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KEEP Summer Newsletter

The NIS is very excited at the growing number of KEEP Licensed Trainers that operate here in the UK, increasing the opportunities for young people and carers to access KEEP. Congratulations to Emma Turnham, Jo Lea, Clare Campling, Bonnie Griffiths, Pat Beech, Mandy Taylor-Mellor, Rob Lewis and Mike Wilson, who have all reached an outstanding level of both expertise and practice.
We are particularly grateful that 2 of these Licensed Trainers have been providing support to sites whilst the NIS’s Emma Turnham has been on maternity leave. Thank you to Clare Campling (Oxford) and Jo Lea (Suffolk) for supporting Wiltshire, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Manchester and Reading. Your input and the support from your host Local Authorities is greatly appreciated.
For more information about how the licenced trainer model could help provide alternative models for accessing KEEP, or if you are interested in becoming a licenced trainer, contact the NIS.
We are delighted to announce the accreditation of 3 more facilitators. Rob Lewis (Somerset) and Pat Beech (Wolverhampton) are now accredited in the KEEP Safe programme. Deena Levene (Suffolk) has become an accredited KEEP Standard facilitator and is the very first to have the training and consultation delivered by one of our UK Licensed Trainers. Well done everyone!
Joel and Rhoanna delivered a couple of fun packed and informative days for KEEP In-House Supervisors when they came to the UK last October. The focus was on promoting KEEP to managers, new staff and foster carers.
KEEP Standard Booster training manuals were also given out so that facilitators can start delivering booster sessions to carers who have already completed KEEP. Please record and upload sessions to FIDO as usual. This will count towards the requirements for maintaining accreditation.
The independent evaluation of KEEP Standard was completed by Ipsos MORI, and was published by the DfE in 2016. Please click here for more information.
An eye catching summary of the report is available in this infographic.
Thank you to all of you who helped to make this possible.
For more information about KEEP, please contact the Programme Lead - Joanna Warburton.